Code of Conduct violations
If a participant violates any of the rules included in the HDIConnect Code of Conduct, an HDI staff member or a community administrator will take the steps described below.
Note: HDI reserves the right to change the resolution process at any time and without notice.
Minor Violation: Selling, advertising, marketing, failing to comply with copyright, rudeness, negativity, etc.
- First time: An HDI staff member or a community administrator will remove the post. Participant will be notified by email or private message that they have violated the HDIConnect Code of Conduct. In the message, the administrator will cite the rule broken. Participant will be asked to discontinue similar actions.
- Second time: An HDI staff member or a community administrator will remove the post. Participant will be notified by email or private message that they have violated the HDIConnect Code of Conduct. In the message, the administrator will cite the rule broken. Participant will be asked to discontinue similar actions. Participant will be asked to confirm they understand the violation. If the participant does not comply with the terms of the warning, then the participant will be banned from the community.
- Third time: An HDI staff member or a community administrator will remove the post and then notify the participant by email or phone that they have been temporarily banned from the community. Depending on severity of the offense, a participant could be banned between thirty and ninety days.
- Fourth time: An HDI staff member or a community administrator will remove the post and then notify the participant by email or phone that they have been permanently banned from the community.
Major Violation: Sharing inappropriate photos or content, having inappropriate contact with another community member, bullying, cruelty, etc. If there is any question of criminal behavior, HDI will report it to the authorities.
- First time: An HDI staff member or a community administrator will remove the post. Participant will be notified by email or private message that they have violated the HDIConnect Code of Conduct. In the message, the administrator will cite the rule broken. Participant will be asked to discontinue similar actions, or they will be banned from the community for ninety days. If the participant does not respond to acknowledge receipt of the message and agree that they will not continue these actions, they will be banned for ninety days.
- Second time: An HDI staff member or a community administrator will remove the post and then notify the participant by email or phone that they have been permanently banned from the HDIConnect community.
Complaints and Concerns
HDI supports everyone’s right to freedom of speech. All constructive input is highly valued and encouraged.
HDI is a collaborative and educational resource filled with helpful tools, advice, and guidance. The HDIConnect community is not an appropriate platform to address problems with HDI or its employees, members, services, products, etc.
If you have a complaint or concern, HDI wants to address it. Please contact us directly at 800-248-5667 (U.S.), 719-268-0174 (Worldwide) or
If negative feedback is submitted through HDIConnect, it will be addressed in the following manner:
- An HDI staff member will address the complaint or forward it to an appropriate staff member. If a solution is not readily available, HDI will notify the participant that the concern is being researched. An HDI staff member will provide an email address so that the participant may privately share additional information.
- An HDI staff member will follow up with the designated employee and the participant to ensure a satisfactory response was acquired.
If a participant chooses to complain about HDI frequently in the HDIConnect community, then it will be treated as a first-time minor violation.